Improving asset and income position of poor people is one of the manifestos of JJS for securing livelihood of poor and marginal people. Poor people have the right to get credit from government institutions. But the public institutions failed to provide credit access to the poor. Hence JJS aimed from the very beginning to provide them credit access to build and secure their asset and income position. JJS is engaged for years to make the small, deprived and marginal people organized and self-sufficient through its micro credit project from 1993. At the grass root level peoples organizations (shomities) are build at first to make them aware about their rights to the government, provide basic knowledge and skill on livelihood and income generation, provide micro credit and building loan facilities for earning and make them capable for savings to face foreseen and unforeseen shocks.
Project Area
Population Coverage
Khulna, Bagerhat
Groups and Beneficiaries Status
Number of Groups
Number of Beneficiary |
Male-08 | Female-214 | Total-222 | Male-220 | Female-4175 | Total- 4395 |
Savings & Credit Status
Savings status of the members | 1,02,52,085 |
Loan Status | Principal amount: 1,72,86,576 taka |
Service charge: 25,32,352 taka | |
Total: 1,98,18,928 taka. | |
Number of Debtor | Male-233 |
Female-2985. | |
Loan Disbursed | Principal amount: 1,54,24,000 taka |
Service charge: 23,13,600 taka | |
Total: 1,77,37,600 taka |