• Tel: +8802477730146, +8802477726173
  • Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
  • An organization for children, environment and development

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    Strategic issues

    JJS believes that organizational governance is very much important to establish rights approach in the society. The organization has four well structured policies which are HR Policy, Financial Management Policy, gender and Child Protection Policy. A task group is proposed to form to a proper implementation and yearly review of those policies. A strong administrative structure is also proposed for better performance of organization and effective management of its ongoing programmes. It will be helpful for resource generation and mobilization of the organization. JJS must implement the programmes that match to its mission. On the other hand, staff development is very much important for efficient implementation of programme activities, proper documentation and monitoring which will help to attain appropriate outcome for the beneficiaries. Again linkage and network with different GOs and NGOs is very much important to gear up the programme activities as well as JJS mission and vision. Appropriate staffs with skills on different areas especially fund raising communication is important for the organization.