• Tel: +8802477730146, +8802477726173
  • Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
  • An organization for children, environment and development

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    Strategic issues, objectives, outcome and activities


    Strategic issue-1: Capacity building of the organization


    1. To establish an efficient and effective administration with competent staff in different level of programmes.
    2. To arrange appropriate capacity building training for the staffs so that they could be skilled in performing their job responsibilities.
    3. To develop the staffs in a competitive environment providing a socio cultural and gender balanced setting so that leadership could develop among them.


    1. Administrative function of the organization is running efficiently and smoothly.
    2. Knowledgeable, experienced, dedicated and potential staffs are recruited and they are skilled in performing their job responsibilities.
    3. Need oriented trainings for the staffs are arranged regularly.
    4. New leadership among the staffs is developing.
    5. Staffs are enjoying competitive environment in an organized socio cultural and gender balanced settings.



    1. Enhancing the capacity of administrative department.
    2. Recruitment of knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated workers.
    3. Recruitment of more female staffs at higher positions for balancing the gender composition of the Organization.
    4. Arrangement of appropriate training for the staffs, specially on IT, MIS, participatory planning process, M&E, RBA, national and global politico economy, presentation and communication skill, negotiation skill, art of advocacy, leadership, etc.
    5. Provision for awards and incentives for good performance.
    6. Capacity building of the staffs for decentralizing the decision making process.
    7. Cultural development of the staffs.
    8. Creating more gender sensitization among the staffs.
    9. Leadership development among the staffs.


    Strategic issue-2: Resource generation and mobilization


    1. To establish a computerized MIS and PPMES for self performance evaluation and ensuring accountability to the community people, donor, government and staff.
    2. To strengthen Internal Audit System.
    3. To establish a project plans and fund rising cell to develop traditional and alternative fund raising mechanism with proper fund raising initiatives.


    1. A MIS is developed and it is running smoothly with updated information.
    2. A PPMES is designed for self performance evaluation and ensuring accountability to the community people, donor, government and staff.
    3. A project planning and fund raising cell is developed and various kinds of project is undertaken by the organization with proper initiatives of the cell.


    1. Establishment of a computerized MIS.
    2. Designing of a PPMES.
    3. Updating the present web site of JJS (www.jjsbangladesh.org) with the information about the recent programmes and activities.
    4. Undertake cost-effective measures to implement the interventions.
    5. Establishing a project planning and fund raising cell.
    6. Developing traditional and alternative fund raising mechanism in the Organization.
    7. Train up managerial staffs on project planning to support the fund raising initiatives.
    8. Set up a modern training center from where staffs of JJS and other organizations can receive necessary trainings and orientations.
    9. Prepare strategy/ policy papers on different working issues to express the stands of JJS to the people and the donors.


    Strategic issue-3: Linkages and network


    To set up effective linkage with various GOs and NGOs and network with like minded NGOs.


    1. The organization is sharing their opinion, belief, conception and values with other likeminded NGOs.
    2. Activity oriented relationship and linkage with organizations is grown in broader perspective to build coalition and alliance.



    Communication with other organizations for their cooperation with a view to welfare of the community people in an advocacy issue