• Tel: +8802477730146, +8802477726173
  • Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
  • An organization for children, environment and development

  • slide9

    Z_Recovery and Rehabilitation of the Cyclone AILA Affected People

    Recovery and Rehabilitation of the Cyclone AILA Affected People in Bangladesh Project


    Devastating cyclone AILA followed by high tides destroyed all livelihood options of the people at the areas even shrimp culture were also very badly affected due to long term inundation. Majorities of the houses of low income groups were destroyed; infrastructure, educational institutions, roads and embankments were affected badly. Affected people took shelter on embankments, roadsides, cyclone shelters and some have shared spaces with relatives and now many of them are migrating to different parts of the country and taking shelter mainly in slums and are facing worse situations.


    To provide emergency relief and early recovery support to vulnerable communities affected by cyclone AILA.


    To restore life and livelihoods of the targeted most vulnerable cyclone affected people.

    Targeted families


    District Upazila UnionVillagesBeneficiaries Coverage
    Food Assistance, short term food security and livelihood support Cash and Voucher (Food voucher) 2900 HHs
    Short term livelihood support and emergency food-security through home stead gardening 1740 HHs
    Short term livelihood support through Inputs, equipments & tools 1450 HHs
    Activity linked with cash and voucher (Cash for work) 470 person
    Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion Rehabilitation, development, operation of water supply and treatment system  Community based RWH -10 & 300 HH level Pond dewatering – 05 and DTW installation-15
    Sanitary facility and waste management

    7 institutional latrine

    300 HHs latrine

    Shelter and NFIs Provision of Non Food Items (winter cloths, mosquito nets, soaps) 2900 HHs
    Post emergency Rehabilitation (tailor made house repairing & reconstruction) 300 HHs
    Disaster preparedness Small scale infrastructure and service ( school & play ground raise, tree plantation)

    4 ground raised

    10,000 tree saplings plantation

    Local disaster management component 2900 HHs