The initiative of “Regional Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation” which was taken and started in 2012 as the 1st in southwest region, continued in 2013 and the 2nd conference was held in Khulna on November 30, 2013. Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS) played the organizing role. German Cooperation (GIZ), People’s Network on DRR& Climate Change Actions (PNDCA), Concern Worldwide and European Commission provided the support and assistance.
It is well known and recognized that Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to climatic hazards and many of the planned initiatives as well as other relevant development efforts taken by different agencies could not be achieved to the expected level . Climate change has very high negative impact on livelihood, agriculture, water, infrastructure, biodiversity and many others. Finding out the proper recommendations / requirements for reducing the risk of coastal people and as a sequel to the 1st Regional Conference, the 2nd Conference was organized. The emphasis area of the 2nd conference was the south-west region of Bangladesh with the themes of (i) Disaster Risk Reduction: Policy, Practice and Adaptation in south-west Bangladesh and (ii) Climate Change: Crisis and Conflicts in southwest coastal Bangladesh.
The 2nd conference focused on involving the community and grass root people, Community Based Organizations (CBO) and other stakeholders. The involvement and participation of the grass root people enriched the conference as some of the facts and needs of the sufferer could be directly known. All together, the participants shared the issues and challenges of climatic crisis, and ways of strengthening the capabilities in reducing the risk of disaster and to make out possible adaptation measures.
The conference played as an effective platform for debate and discussions and identified the future course of actions for sustainable development of the South-west coastal region of Bangladesh in the changing context of future climate change. It also provided a comprehensive overview of climate change impact and effective adaptation strategies and the participants benefited by enhanced understandings of techniques to climate change adaptations and resilience.
The features of the single-day conference had five technical sessions along with brief inaugural and closing sessions. The first technical session was on the impact of climate change in water management of south west coastal part of Bangladesh and discussed on water crisis, related problems and possible solutions. Ways and options for Climate Change adaptation were discussed in second session. the climate change impact is inter-generational, so adaptation is must in the coastal region and it can be autonomous, planned, anticipatory, and reactive. To develop the best adaptation mechanism, it is must to have flexible and robust planning from local to central level. was The third technical session was on ground water salinity distribution in the coastal aquifers and emphasized on sustainable use of limited fresh water.. The 4th session was on climate change adaptation practices and came up that any climate change adaptation mechanism for planing and implementation mustthe local community. The final session was to enhance the knowledge on food securityand revealed overall food insecurity scenario of south west coastal region and the effective way to overcome the problem. The conference ended with declaration of several innovative possible and effective measures in reduceing risk of disaster vulnerability.;.