• Tel: +8802477730146, +8802477726173
  • Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
  • An organization for children, environment and development

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    Networking & Alliances

    JJS have a strong networking with GO and NGOs. Along with these JJS secretariat two strong network in Bangladesh. As,

    1. Alliance of Food Sovereignty Campaigns (AFSC) Bangladesh: A Network secretariat by JJS
    2. People’s Network on Climate Change Actions: A Network secretariat by JJS.
    3. Community to End Violence against Women and Children: A Network secretariat by JJS.Tarar Mela is a youth organization which is supported by JJS.


    Alliance of Food Sovereignty Campaigns (AFSC) Bangladesh

    The alliance of food sovereignty campaign – Bangladesh is a national platform of peasant farmers associations, workers association, community based organizations, social movements, environment campaigns, grass-root and national NGOs, human right activists, etc. AFSC advocates for the realization of peoples’ aspiration for social and economic justice and democratization by actively resisting the incursion of Multinational Corporation and International Financial Institutions who are occupying our sovereignty in the name of “so called” globalization. AFSC aims to address the issues of trade liberalization in agriculture and in service sector, and different international/national policies that affect the livelihood of poor people of Least Developed Countries like Bangladesh.
    The mission of AFSC is Protecting and promoting peoples’ accessibility to and rights/control on natural/ safe food, natural resources, basic services by resisting the neo-liberalization of aggression of corporate globalization that threatening the life, livelihood and humanity of present civilization. JJS also monitors the programs and policies of IFI (International Finance Institution) under AFSC.

    People’s Network on Climate Change Actions

    It is a network which is secretariat by JJS and was formed in 2008. Peoples’ network on climate change is network of civil society, NGOs, farmer’s organization, individual activist, etc. The aim of this network is to strengthen peoples’ voice on climate change issues and thus influence the government decisions regarding climate change as well as influence the policy formulation process. Awareness building about climate change issues is also a part of this network. It network also helps the climate refugees. This network also supports the displaced people who were displaced by climate change induced disasters.

    Community to End Violence against Women and Children

    This community was established by JJS in 2009 to end violence against women and children in Khulna Region through legal support. Ten members are engaged in this network and it is a community of civil society members, NGOs, legal organizations, women activists, teachers, etc. JJS plays the secretariat role in this network to protect women and child rights.

    Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention Campaign

    JJS also actively raise voice about the heavy metal pollution in the country and designed a campaign for Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention. We are at a preparatory stage of this campaign and shortly will start intensive works for prevention of pollution through Heavy Metal.

    Tarar Mela

    Tarar Mela is a youth organization working for human rights, environment and young people’s rights and is process of organizing and strengthening young people so that their voices are head by the society and policy makers. Tarar mela members are from 6 to 26 years who organize people through theater, acting, singing, dancing etc to deliver their key messages. JJS has been nursing the group for last over 10 years raising awareness on human rights, governance and environmental protection.
    President of the Organization: Marjan Rahhman
    Email: marjanasency@yahoo.com