• Tel: +8802477730146, +8802477726173
  • Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
  • An organization for children, environment and development

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    Z_Early Recovery and Rehabilitation Support to Vulnarable

    Early Recovery and Rehabilitation Support to Vulnarable Families Affected by Cyclone Aila


    Devastation of Cyclone AILA was several times more compared to Cyclone SIDR because of its prolonged water logging and heavy devastation to infrastructures like houses, institutions, embankments, roads etc. including agriculture and livestock sector of the coastal belts of southwest region. Both marginalized as well as poor section of the population suffered the most as all options of livelihood came to standstill in the vulnerable areas and made them dependent on external assistance to overcome their acute food insecurity problem. Safe water sources (ponds and tube-wells were contaminated as well as the sanitation systems were damaged/washed away. People of the affected areas mostly are poor/hardcore poor who earn their daily wage by working in shrimp culture and related processes. Due to cyclone AILA all shrimp farms were washed away/inundated with the consequences of badly affecting the major earning sector of the region.

    Specific Objective

    To Provide a multi Sectoral Approach in Restoring the Livelihoods of Those Affected by Cyclone Aila

    Working Areas and Beneficiaries

    District Upazila Union Village Total Population
    Khulna Koyra Bagali Bamia 857
    Thakurer char 134
    Bairagir char 124
    Gazinagar 140
    Talbaria 69
    Arjunpur 397
    Katniya 39
    7 villages 1760
    Uttor Betkashi Betkashi 512
    Shaikh Saddarpara 398
    Botulbazar 306
    Pathorkhali 240
    Gab bunia 41
    Haroharpur 146
    Gatirgheri 79
    7 villages 1722
          Grand Total 3482

    Project Intervention

    Sector Name of Activities Utter Bedkashi Union Bagali Union Total
    Shelter Shelter Repair 135 140 275
    Shelter Construction 90 97 187
    NFI Distribution 616 616 1232
    Livelihood Cash for Work 300 300 600
    Fishing Boat & Net 18 18 36
    Kitchen Garden and Net 1000 1000 2000
    Nursery Establishment 1 1 2
    Road site Plantation 2 2 4
    WASH Emergency Latrine 20 20 40
    Pond Rehabilitation 4 6 10
    Hygiene kit and prom. 616 616 1332
    Deep Tube wells 3 4 7
    PSF Construction 0 5 5
    Sanitary Latrine HH 225 237 462

    DRRand Climate


    DRR Training for DMC and NGO Staff 1 1 2
    Mass Awareness through Picture Drama 3 3 6
    Community Awareness and coping Mechanism 1 1 2
      Total 3035 3067 6102