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  • Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
  • An organization for children, environment and development

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    z_Completed Projects

    Completed Projects



    Name of the programs/ projects Name of Donors Duration Nature of work
    1. Governance Performance Monitoring Project (GPMP Manusher Jonno Foundation April, 2007 – March, 2010  Social Initiatives
    2. Rehabilitation of Sidr Affected People by Restoring Livelihood Keeping  adolescent as change Maker Shapla Neer-Japan May, 2009 – March, 2010

    – Adolescent Development
    – Skill development of adolescent group
    – Pond re-excavation

    3. Early Recovery Support to Cyclone AILA Affected People in Bangladesh (LERSP) Action Aid Bangladesh/ ECHO

    July, 2009 – December, 2009

    – Cash for work
    – livelihood support

    -WATSAN support

    4. Education Support to Aila Affected Children Save the Children-UK

    July, 2009 – December, 2009

    -Education Support
    -Food Support
    -entertainment of the children

    5. HIV/AIDS Targeted Intervention Prevention Project (HATI) UNICEF

    January-2008 to December, 2008

    Awareness raising among HIV high risk persons

    6. Shishu Kendra Karuna Foundation

    1991to ongoing

    School for mentally and physically disable childer

    7. Stop acid violence WAVE Foundation & AAB

    January, 2007 –On-going

    – Community Awareness Raising
    – Press Group Formation – Media Advocacy

    8. Emergency Relief Operation 2009 for the Cyclone AILA Victims, Phase-II Shapla Neer-Japan 6 June – 20 July, 2009

    -Relief Distribution
    – Pond Dewatering

    9. Support to disable children by "Children Centre" based approach Karuna Foundation January – December, 2009

    – Educating mentally retarded and physically disable children

    10. Emergency Relief Work for Cyclone AILA , Phase-I Shapla Neer-Japan

    28 May -05 June, 2009

    -Cooked Food Distribution

    11. Long Term Development Project (LTDP) ActionAid Bangladesh  June, 1996 to December,  2007

    Social Initiatives

    12. Human Rights Education Project (HREP) MSS November, 2003 to December, 2006

    Formation of Human rights group and empowering them in Bagerhat 

    13. HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (HAPP) Ministry of Women & Family welfare and UNICEF August, 2004 to June, 2006 Awareness raising among HIV high risk persons
    14. Local Governance WAVE Foundation December, 2004 to November, 2007

    – Capacity Building of LEBs
    – Strengthening Village Court
    – Formation of Peoples Platform like Lokomorcha

    15. Child Protection: Community Mechanism & National Policy Save the Children-UK November, 2003 to August, 2008 Advocacy with government to mainstreaming juvenile criminals 
    16. Access to Justice and Good Governance Project (AJGGP) Motherypur Legal Aid January, 2006 to November,2006

    – Capacity Building of LEBs
    – Formation of Peoples Platform

    17. Reflect ICT ActionAid Bangladesh July, 2005 to December, 2007 Form women group to empower them
    18. CDMP UNDP October, 2006 to March, 2007 Training to disaster management committee in order to strengthen their capacity
    19. Environmental Education for Mangrove Forest Conservation Stichting School van Z.M. Koningin Willem III en H.M.                Koningin Emma der Nederlanden September, 2006 to August, 2007 Awareness raising on forest conservation among people living in Sunderban
    20. Socially Disadvantage People Project  -SDPP Out Reach Concern-Bangladesh October, 2004 to March, 2009 Ensure rights to sex workers
    21. Prevention of Acid Violence Through Awareness Building and Control over Acid Selling (PAVTAB) ActionAid Bangladesh July, 2006 to December, 2008 Awareness raising and helping acid victims
    22. Food Security for Sustainable Household Livelihood (FoSHoL) ActionAid Bangladesh August, 2005 to April, 2009 Ensure Nutrition as seed distribution to farmers
    23. Protect Children from Hunger and Disaster caused by AILA Action Aid Bangladesh/ UNICEF August 15, 2009 to October 15, 2009 – Child Friendly Space establishment